
  1. Choosing Between a Boonie Hat and a Bucket Hat: What You Need to Know

    fireAt first glance, it might be difficult to tell the difference between a boonie hat and a bucket hat. They are similar headgear designs, but each has its own history and practical uses. The bucket hat, with its classic rounded crown and downward-sloping brim, originated as a practical need before becoming a fashion statement in the 1960s. Its adaptability has made it popular on runways and streetwear, combining comfort with self-expression. The boonie hat was created for military use and has a broader, stronger brim with venting eyelets for breathability. Its long-lasting, all-weather construction makes it a favorite among outdoor enthusiasts, providing excellent sun protection and durability for tough expeditions.

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  2. How to size BDUs

    An old military favorite has evolved into practical wear for everyone. You’ll see BDUs on first responders, anyone who needs rugged clothes for work, and outdoors enthusiasts of all types.

    Here's why they're so popular, and how to find the right BDU shirts, pants and jacket for yourself.

    BDU background

    BDU stands for “battle dress uniform,” but BDU-style clothes have expanded far from their military origins. First responders love them, and for good reason.

    The battle dress uniform – originally consisting of BDU pants, coats, combat boots and Boonie hats – was standard military gear from the 1980s until the mid-2000s. Although they've been retired from every branch of the ar

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  3. Fire Prevention

    fireYou probably remember the basics of fire safety – most of us learned about fire hazards and safety from our parents or schools from a very early age. But it’s far too easy to get complacent about fire risks.

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  4. The Evolution of Tactical Gear: What's New in 2024?

    Tactical gear and clothing don’t often change wildly from year to year – there is no fashion runway for military or public safety personnel to change up their look. But products from shops like Propper do evolve over time, as technology around fabric improves and new feature configurations start to gain traction.

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  5. Emerging trends in workwear for 2024

    Before you invest in new clothes or gear, you want to make sure you’re getting something that lasts — durable items that will keep you looking professional and feeling comfortable for a long time to come.

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  6. Wildland Firefighter

    Answering “how hot can a firefighter suit get” isn’t as simple as it seems. In general, firefighter uniforms are made of specialized material that can withstand heat and flames for longer than standard materials. But exactly how much heat they can stand will vary greatly depending on the type of firefighter uniform.

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  7. Why Do We Celebrate Flag Day? A Reflection on June 14


    Why Do We Celebrate Flag Day? A Reflection on June 14

    In the United States, we celebrate our nation’s founding on the 4th of July. We have Memorial Day to honor soldiers who died in the service, and Veterans Day to honor all who served. And then, there’s Flag Day.

    It’s not an official federal holiday, and barely remarked upon for many Americans. So, what is the purpose of Flag Day? Why have a day set aside just to honor the U.S. national flag?

    To answer that, let’s look at the people who advocated to give Old Glory its own day of recognition.

    Flag Day: A long time coming

    Flag Day doesn’t have a single origin story – instead, a cluster of people, working over decades, finally brought the day to fruition. Its first big push came from 19th-century teachers and historians advocating for a day to recognize the flag annually on June 14,

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  8. Look Good Longer: How to Choose a Uniform for Best Color Retention

    Law Enforcement Officers

    Uniforms can be expensive, so when they start to fade after only a few washes, it can be very frustrating.  This fading can occur quickly due to three major factors – the fibers the fabric is made of, how that fabric was dyed, and how you care for the garment once you bring it home.

    Check labels for fabric content

    Colorfastness starts with the label in the garment.  LE Uniforms typically are made from synthetic materials like polyester, nylon, rayon, spandex, and elastane w

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  9. What Exactly is Ripstop?

    RipstopYou see it all the time on the labels of outdoor gear: ripstop. It’s a cool sounding word. Sounds powerful, sturdy, fierce. But what does it mean, exactly? Does it mean the fabric won’t tear, ever? Is it somehow rip-proof? Learn more about the revolutionary material that changed the way tactical gear is made.



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  10. The History of Boonie Hats in the U.S. Military

    The boonie hat we know today was introduced to the U.S. military during the Vietnam War. Upon receipt, the boonies were welcomed by the troops in the field while also being generally disliked by top brass who thought the new floppy hats looked unprofessional. Let’s take a deeper look at the early days of this iconic piece of the American military uniform.

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